
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I take that back,Physics is the hardest paper around...
One whole class doesn't know anything,...
Siap tanya cikgu lagi..
Pelbagai ragam di dalam kelas...

Masa periksa..syai siap boleh tangkap gambar..lagi..then tido,..
Syafiq,,...kamikaze wooo..pastu tido,
asslam just keep braggin ''Ni soalan Oxford nih"
Bella withe her CD's..in the end fell asleep with deanna,..

the teacher..."Bincang boleh tapi senyap"
funny isn't it..bincang tapi x de sorang tahu jawapan,...

The chinese..keep talking chinese,...
KAHLING-Afiq kamu tahu tak apa jawapan ini?
ME-*Just raise my shoulders up*
i just copy people...takpe diorang bagi..slah pown salah lah...
Syai slept with his mouth opened,...tukar shift ngan aku...
in the end cikgu kumpul kertas...
Syafiq tak buat dalam testpad pown,
syai siap tak sampai 10 soalan,
Amin senyum je,
Asslam pun macam takde periksa je...
Man I LovE ICt ClAss!

balik takde periksa..duduk kat lab je...
bace Blog...and go home...


NADIA said...

hahaha best ah klas korg!

syafiq said...

mampos aku..xbuat dlm test pad..
xpe xpe..
kami adala kumpulan klas kamikaze-ict..haha

yasuhazu said...

Whoa..Siap blh bincang lagi tuu..!!
Best betul la!

Time pekse xmcm pekse......

z said...

PHYSICS IS HELL EASY! easy o failed. nyahahahaha

hahhaha, cikgu ape do? gila rock
i manage to answer but but x tau ape yg aku buat tu betul ke x
asal ade jwpn tu dahlah

Atiqah Hasan said...

best r korunk...
rock gler!!!
and completely pelbagai ragam and
mcm2 la..
tdo bkk mulut la, kamikaze la, oxford la...
best gler la.... hahahahah

Anonymous said...

sape la yg reka physics nih...memang wa respect die...punye la susah bleh buat...siap reka lagi...wah...
ini lah sebahagian dari ilmu ALLAH...ahahahaha