
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


The enemy is not the opponent,
Musuh bukan yang berdiri di depan,

When we doubt ourselves or don't trust our abilities,
Bila kita tak percaya atau was-was akan keupayaan diri kita,

then we have lost the fight before it's started,
Kita sudah tewas sebelum perlawanan bermula,

Often we feel the need to have someone else lose
Banyak kali dalam hidup kita ni,kita selalu menumpukan untuk mengalahkan orang lain untuk berjaya,

Maybe the answer doesn't lie in others,
mungkin jawapannya bukan pada orang lain,

But lies within ourselves,
mungkin jawapannya ada dalam diri kita sendiri,

If we really want to succeed,
jika kita betul-betul nak berjaya,

We need to have faith in our abilities,
Kita mesti percaya kita boleh,

and then fight for it till the very end,
dan kita berjuang habis-habisan.......

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