
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Monday, March 9, 2009


This week is exam week, a little bit relaxed but with all the delayed work, it has become a burden.
I need to change so I don't do things at the last minute...


z said...

kau boeh jadi pengacara sukan tv1.

"saya pun tak tau nak ckp mcm ner ni, waaa aaaa tepi"

hahahahahahaa. xnak try outs for handball laki ke?

Enigma said...

hurmm... ntah!

" saya tak tahu kenapa saya cakap macam ni"
"waaa aaaa tepi!

Anonymous said...

whoaaa! afiq, giler klasik ko punye suara. old school bebeh! btol2, boleh jd pengacara sukan, haha :DD

Soulid Snap! said...

pengacara sukan olimpik tahun 2009,d best yo!sukan trbaru...hahaha...

Enigma said...

haha nanti bila korang lawan bola baling aku jadi pengacara!