
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Thursday, June 5, 2008


Now I know how LOVE can truly destroys a person entirely,
which include's their life ruined...
Now I know how LOVE works unperfectly,
and keep a bright future dimmed,
Now I know how LOVE can make a living successfully,
without a doubt it is eternal,forever lived,

created by Mohd Afiq bin Marzuki,2008


Anonymous said...

wei...memang btul ko tulis nih...but ade dua gambar yg tk beberape nk elok kat situ...hahahahaha

Enigma said...

apa yang tak beberapa nak eloknya...?

Anonymous said...

ade dua gambar yg ade t*t*k tuh...hahahahaha...just ternampak jer...jangan salah paham...hahahaha

Enigma said...

Oh yang tu ke...biasa je..tukan normal..
aku suka gambar ni...diorang terus bagi definition 'love'...

Anonymous said...

afiq..nie link baru aku taw..(: http://razi-on7.blogspot.com/