
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Tell me, why is it so hard to choose?


z said...

cause theres too many choices an each choices will bring us to the different path

wht u choose, tht is your fate.

Enigma said...

yeah that's why

dyrah said...

yeahh, thats true. aanyway, kenape mesti ade pilihan? susah siott

Enigma said...

itu kelebihan/keburukan manusia,

kaya/miskin/baik/jahat semuanya bergantung
pada pilihan..

Zikri Zainal said...

if there is no choice, it would not be called life anymore. life is about the choices you make.

Enigma said...

yup that's the hard part of it.