
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Today as usually happy as it is usually do!
except today happened many flashback and 'things'.

Prefect Duty
Farah is so like the strongest girl around...
I mean look at those punks.They were like 
Me and Izmir saw a snake...
Flashback form 2 and 3...what a wonderful life I've had...
uh amir remember 'RADIATION' hahaha!
chatting with Miss.Mazlaina... believe it or not she is 60 years old!!0_o!
And again Asslam famous jokes,

"cubalah belajar sikit macam aku ni''
''Syai jangan tido syai(asslam's red eyes)

Looking at some games on those lovely handphones
Chemistry equals to good laugh
Miss Yun Pissed off...
Play Scrabbles on English Language classes.
Play Counter Strike on ICT!
En.Kamarul's tall tale on his life on his university days!very interesting
finished my Folio's....phew relief
look at views of japan picture at Amin's.
I dream of Playstation 3!
Singing DIGI Songs.



Atiqah Hasan said...

must be soo wonderful afiq!

and selamat hari raya.
mohon ampun dan maaf diatas segala salah dan silap dimana sengaja atau tidak sengaja :)

and2. asal da lame x contact aku??
sedih r nie :((

Enigma said...

Selamat Hari raya to you to...
and mohon ampun dan maaf atas segala salah dan silap.

oh henpon aku hilang.