
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


For four days of endless miracles, I am home at three o'clock in the morning on Monday, yesterday. This journey had teach me so many things,from the littlest the true meaning of friendship and the largest true meaning of life. I had never have this much fun in my life, the excitement can't be put to words. Maybe it is because of the pressure that life had put on me that I had forget to enjoy. The journey was inspirational, from the start to the end. So many wondrous things happened, from the unexpected to the expected. Our exposure to many cultures and ideologies had given us more strength to overcome our fears. We have met new friends and cherish one of those rare moments. How I wish I could turn back time to feel this again. The moments that I have longing. This memory is undeletable.
With most proud I say that this is the best trip I have ever been in my 17 years of life.


Day 2

Day 3

Hujan rahmat mengalukan kepulangan kami. Di dalam bas sejenak daripada kepulangan itu, Pn. Anita telah memberi satu ucapan yang sangat mengharukan dan membangunkan. Aku berasa sangat gembira, bersama dengan rakan-rakan, bagaikan satu keluarga yang bahagia. Kalau boleh, aku mahu ia berkekalan.
Sangatlah malang kerana ia telah berakhir, masa yang lama terasa sangat sekejap.
Aku bangun pukul satu tengah-hari pada hari ini. Aku keluar berjalan menikmati angin kota. Tapi kian aku berjalan, kian aku merindui peristiwa empat hari lalu.
Dunia ini tetap tersangatlah ajaib dan indah walaupun acapkali dirosakkan oleh manusia,
aku kagum.


Soulid Snap! said...

now i gonna to cry....kenangan terindah...

Enigma said...

cry now, smile later

z said...

afiq, dlm picture aku sorang kat kedai baju tu. see tht small plastic bag, still ada kan.

guess tertggal dekat kdai tu, masa kau angkat semua.

takpelah, bukan rezeki.

Enigma said...

tapi aku tengok ada botol je tinggal...

Nways, aku dah upload video slideshow..

z said...

I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE IT!! waaaaaa sedihnya

Enigma said...

have you seen the crew videos?

Atiqah Hasan said...

best nyer..
aku cam nk terbang balik skunk jugak.

z said...

dah. why do all good things come to end? haaa sedih ;(

Enigma said...

what goes well, ends well

Enigma said...

Tqa-you are always welcomed here.