
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Today's seminar was great it is awesome! It is about teaching how to lead our clubs since I am the chairman of the Martial Arts department, I must go but I totally have fun. Oh and this Morning Amin came to the martial arts practice. It brings old memories back. The seminar is awesome. We cooperate and show our leadership skills. We won the best team and Dzmah won the best female contestant.

I was amazed at Amal for being to speak like that. Speaking of public speaking, I don't know if I wanted to go to the talkshow or not.


z said...

afiiiiiiiiiiiiiqqqqqq!! malulah tahan kentut!! tersebar di internet, mana aku nak letak muka, mana mak bapak aku nak letak muka. hahahah


Enigma said...

tahan kentut adalah sesuatu yang normal ;)

Enigma said...


Anonymous said...

weh......"kentut jer"...bak kate afiq.m