
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Sometimes I feel like running away.


Soulid Snap! said...

What you meant by that?

Enigma said...

run away from problems
but I have my law.

" Never run away from your problems
because you will get exhausted and in the end you met the problems again."

z said...

bad day?

Anonymous said...

stop running and be grateful to GOD is enough...

you have a lot of special things 'ON' and 'IN' you...so, you have lots of problems too...

we are opposite...
so,I can see that a lil bit actually...

Enigma said...

everybody have problems in their life
and that 'problem' completes the life

Enigma said...

dzmah- only dark clouds, no rain

z said...

theres a song to your law!

Run away, run away
But that won't make it any better
Run away, run away
And make tomorrow harder to live than today

plain white t's - shine.

Atiqah Hasan said...

problem is our life.
lari camner pon still life kau gak.
2 years from now, when you not at the place you are rite now, you will miss EVERYTHING. Including your problem.

:(( That's what happen :((