Today is the annual sports day in Section 4, which is the last sports day that we have in this school this year. The moments were bittersweet, changing roles minute by minute. Seeing there, happy. Seeing here sad. Like riding a rollercoaster. Something like that. Knowing that this is the last, I felt this sadness when we sing the school anthem. A little happy and anxiety,but sad. And would be sadder If I saw those past seniors singing it. One day we will come to this lair again but the feelings were different.
Anyhow, We curse a lot today, why? Expressing stress? No it just because we were bored plus Because the stereo system were loud and nobody can hear us.

This year sports day were quite 'unprepared'. Things were done at the last minute and It is boring, maybe because we didn't take parts.
Now I know, seeing Esya, Sodium, Dyrah and others made my day. Seeing those smiles on their faces (eventhough in a mascot) gives me a warm feeling in this little heart of mine.
I am happy.
why do i look so sad dlm gmba tu? -.-
nadia creepy doh ;o
kelakar doe..
aku call time sukan around 10.30 kot and korong mostly dah hilang..
tension je babe =_=''
i like wut u did in dis video!ahaha.lawak plak ade subtitle,satgi ko bwt subtitle bhse cine plak.
ntah la dzmah ;?
cian tiqah..;o
aku x reti bahasa cina ;)
tajuk ade tulis aku dpt masuk vid. 1 saat je...hahahaa...=D
sebab asalnya aku nak interview nadia ;)
Swt -.-
Muka aku cm terencat.
Wei,lain kali amik time aku tgh candid ^^
tu tengah Candid lah tu..
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