Have you done homework at the last minute or doing your exams and the teacher said that you have only one minute left. Either you copy your homework or even 'hentam', 'tembak, 'taram', belasah', 'ganja', or whatever you call it. You feel lazy to do it as long as you finished it right. But that moment there is taking place in my life now. I felt lazy and honeymoon, let things go with it's flow. I'm not as optimist or hardworking as before, usually I do my homework or study until dawn, I also have repeated my horrible habit, and have lost faith. This little ship of mine have lost it's way in the stormy sea.

Go afiq go!
jom naik kapal dan berlayar macam lanun.
Did you know, gambar yang aku ambik tu semuanya spontan, aku tekan je shutter tu.
Bila tengok balik kan.. ada maksud. ;)
kene ade johnny depp whooot whooot! cpt jack sparrow.
well pictures speak for themselves, mcm lagu ryan cabrera rmbut besar, photo. layaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn
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