Spending quality time with my friends, really tighten the bond of our relationship. Besides that, we got experience on these things. A camera is always handy whenever I go, searching for the spontanious moments that occur rarely. If you know me, I like to record more than taking pictures, it is because I want to see again what was really happening back then. I usually look at the past videos and it always burst me into laughter and tears.

It took half an hour to reach the destination, other schools as usual with their vest and coat looking brilliant all the time. To make the first impression looking 'Educated' but our school with it's Pend. Jasmani written on it's back really showed other school how educated we are. The judges were our teacher and it can give us an advantage. To show how what a non-famous school can do, we started out with a calculator. Others have start drawing but we stand and calculate.
The theme is technology, and we take 20 minutes to draw the star of the flag. The weather was okay at first then it started to became really hot. By hot I mean really hot. Sitting there for three hours under the burning sun. It's hard to see and the view became purple. After hours, and hours passed under the sun we manage to draw half of the drawing. The other school was almost done. One of my teammates gave up, and stop drawing. I stand to the point of too lazy to color but we finished it at the last minute. We can still win but we can't win on one. Some of the teammates were pissed because some of us doesn't have teamwork.
We had our lunch at the shade away from the blazing sun, everyone was tired and exhausted, we already know that we couldn't win, either other school was better or because the fact that we gave up.
Overall, I had fun. I met some new friends and it was a hot and brilliant day. We went back, and Liana almost had been left by the bus. The most funny thing is that she becomes a beggar for a day ;)
Model of The Month
Sun burned :(
mati kena bunuh..
reporter cun.
ahaha.lawak siot video ni!ni mesti boring gler.
Atiqah: Aha yes reporter tv kami memang cun.
part time model, part time reporter ;)
sya-yang best nyer part 0:50 -0:53
nampak sangat berlakon. And yes we were bored waiting for the bus
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