Last night we went to the istana budaya to see the Mahsuri Musical Theater.
We might be overdressed with tuxedo's and suits but what the heck, this is our last year.
The theater was awesome. The stage setting to the actors themselves. It was breathtaking. The music fits very well and the actors were good. The emotions got to me, I could felt that the theater was alive.
This is the first time I've seen a paid-out theater. It was brilliant.

No photos of Aisyah? I deman a photo of Aisyah! lol i guess you guys had your time (:
Aisyah pictures had not been put for legal
and yes we had our time.
you guys look really cute :)
Some of you kinda over styling.
I'm talking about hair.
But it's really cute..
(pinjam ayat zmah)
atiqah! trueeeeeeeeeee!! nampak dia dgn his hair i was like whoahhhh *jaw drop*
hahahahah i look very makcik.
I know -_-''
Afiq!! Ade pics lg tak??
Aku nk tgk lg..
cam tak puas ati plak tgk skit2 ni..
kalo tak nk upload, email aku bleh???
guys at their best... mcm gi prom
gamba ada-2 je
mase tu aku x tau pun aku punye rambut camne...hahaha...thanks to kaviraj for my hair done actually.
kau ni macam banyak personaliti
kat kem style lain
kat kelantan style lain
kat prom style lain..
aku x pernah prasan pun yg aku ade bnyk persoanliti.
hahaha...cube terangkan ckit ape personaliti aku bile kat kem,kelate, ngan prom.
i want to know...
kat kem
rambut putih, baju fit, seluar camo, .senyap je.
macam askar, nampak mature.
kat kelantan
jacket jeans ala Bad boy
macam 'macho control' la.
kat teater
macam hot and cold,perangai ala-ala corrupted gitu.
cool je.
Thanks Afiq...
i don't even know it.
but now i realize...
-Thank you again Afiq-
i look old -_-
thanks afiq!!
you are the best!
tu kire hadiah b'day aku r eh :)
hepi birthday
i wish i am 12 years younger..huhuh.. :P :P :P
I wonder how you were like 12 years ago...
teacher must be extremely beautiful...
Afiq bleh x aku amik gmbr2 mu ni?-Please-
amikla kau
macam marah jer?!
Thank You
habis tu nak cakap camne
amikla sayang?
hahaha faisal touching2 plak.
that pakcik creeepy dohhh!
aku rasa mcm nak pergi tanya dia. why is he standing with us amik gamba, then pindah ddkat group sebelah pulak.
ntah ... dia rasa nak jadi muda kot..
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