
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Lately I have been hearing bad rumors about my self, I know people talk, they say things behind my back, I don't mind that because everyone has it. Nobody's perfect No matter how nice you are, people will always talk behind your back. Say bad things about you eventhough you're being nice to them. I don't know my lackness to them that made them despise me like that. I know I am not that good looking, nerdy and stuff but I don't mind. It is the way of life. 
Like a friend of mine once said, that to never trust anybody. You maybe think you are all perfect and good but there will always be at least one prejudice which dissatisfy about your appearance. Each and everyone have their own 'talkers' and 'backstabbers' in their backs. You might think that they is your friend but we are humans. Humans can act, stab, lie, cheat, or whatever it is that you call it and eventually we will realize it and take actions immediately.
Even as simple as being honest, people will hate you for that. Or another example, you always smile but some people will envy you for that and hate you as well.
So don't worry if there's someone saying things behind your back, because there is.
Don't expect people speechless behind your back because they have so many bad words to say and you might need to get ready for the circumstances. 


z said...

law of nature.

Enigma said...

the humans law

Razi said...


Enigma said...

semua ngumpatan kawan aku dah dengar...
ngumpatan kawan aku kepada kawan aku pown dah dengar.

senang kata semua orang kawan aku, aku dah dengar. ;(

Atiqah Hasan said...

ape ko ckp yg last phrase tuh?

Enigma said...

last phrase yang mana?