Currently listening to Taylor Swift- Love Story...
Someone used to say, ' You'd be crying back to us." Funny thing now, look who's crying? This is where I would like to say '' In your Face! ".
Love as usual the most favorite and complex topic in history of life. Woman get chased around by man, and man being stab by a woman. Love is horrible isn't it?
In order to make love beautiful, you must know that something is far greater than love.
I'm not that senseless on saying what it is. Almost 4 years in my teenage life, isolate from love and after years of observing, now I have seen mostly all scenes. I don't like how these two race treat eachother.
The male side saying that woman are evil and injustice. Most of my friends say that and I despise them a little because of that. I hate guys to be honest ,because they consist mostly of perverts, I hate when guys talk about boobs and such, they egoistic, they talk like they know everything, and ( very gentlemen like ) they don't seem to understand the feminine side of life well I have tried, and girls are the most beautiful and they are the most ugly. They can rise you to the heavens and they can also kick you to hell. It's up to the guys to choose. But do they know the real feeling becoming a woman. Well I know,sort of... but in order to know the feeling of a woman, you have to become a female yourself, dress up like a girl, be a transvestite, become a drag queen do it if your desperate enough. The simplest way is to think about their feelings, girls have instinct or a woman institution. Try to put yourself in their shoes. A fight will happen in every break up it is because humans are selfish, they don't think twice. They say that people used them and such, so many reasons, blaming each other for their own mistakes.
The same thing for girls, put yourself in a guys shoe, wear them. Leave your feminine side behind for a while. Guys and girls might look so much indifferent but they have some common stuff happening behind.
Guys are more straight forward and they don't have instinct. Guys usually thick, will fall and do whatever it takes. Girls are more complex and that's the fun of life and love.
The moral here is, these two race need eachother, have a talk at least. Don't blame each other for who's using who. Guys are egoistic and they usually lie, sometimes they don't realize it. Woman are almost the same but have a little difference.
Remember try to observe more, in order to make friendship beautiful, you have to to wear their shoes. Eventhough it is smelly, small or big in size it doesn't matter. As long you have the real taste then you will see the truth behind everything, you will find the real reason from the first place. Try to remember the firestarter of the problem, try to wind the clock back to the beginning, start there, take your journey slowly. Start again if you had lost your way or didn't find the answers. You might have miss a few spots.
Still unsatisfied? Observe more and don't be selfish, I repeat don't be selfish.
Make up all the possibilities. The most couple's lacking nowadays are 'trust'. They don't have the true trust. When a person breaks up, they'd be something wrong with your relationship. Try to find out, don't burst into rage and blame each other.
Dont believe me? Try it...

Haha funny thing, just now I kept wondering on who'd be my future wife, flipping the five cent coin over and over again. I am afraid that if I take things for granted. I might look deep into the physical beauty and fail to see the heart. I might regret for rejecting the real person who loved me. If I marry her would that make me happy? Or if I marry that other person would that made me more happy? Hurmm such a bad time to think about this and in the near future would probably maybe the hardest decision I have ever met. I hope not. The thing is, I always have problem choosing. I don't want family affairs, I don't want my son or daughters to be rotten and corrupt. I want a good family, the one that is true and honest. I don't want any horrid thoughts of leaving my special person. Damn why is it so hard to choose...
P/S: Eventhough I dislike guys and eventhough I'm a guy myself but I am far more different than other man in a different way and that doesn't make me gay! I have wore those delicate shoes and have compared them, every guy have his feminine side. But guys are egoistic and selfish they won't care how others feel. Trust me, I'm a guy.
every guy have ego in them...
so, if you said I'm ego...see yourself first...
you have an ego in different side or kind of way...
not same as mine...
but still, you have ego're a guy right...
so, don't blame or say that this guy is ego like that...that guy is ego like this...
let it just stick to your own ego...
you don't have to use care about other guy's ego...
syafiq has his own ego...
I have my own ego...
Faisal has his own ego...
you have your own ego...
even khairi has his own ego...
so, 'biar je lah'...GOD sets it..
p/s:no offence to your post or something...I just felt a lil bit angry when you say that I'm too ego...that's heart feelings, ok's just my opinion...=D
hey, you said you want to know your weakness right?
If one person says it, then you should be mad. unfortunately I'm not the only one.
watch a lot of movies, read a lot of novels
future is terrifying
I like watching movies or novels that portray a person life
Baca Nicholas Spark's
never failed to make me cry.
wahh~ gmba aku ! x)
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