With isolation, you can strive ultimately. With isolation there is no one who can stop you, break you. With isolation any obstacle can be break easily. With isolation you can move forward vastly and quickly. With isolation, does that make you happy?
" Tak kisah la dia macamtu, dia kawan aku.
Nak buat camne kan. "
Those words came from a friend of mine whom is very popular in our school. That can be the nicest thing to say to your friend. When someone stab your back can you still speak that sentences there? No, not everyone.
We are lucky, some people doesn't have a chance to have friends.
Each day when I reminiscence the days I had with my friends, I felt alive. Eventhough they're not as kind, eventhough they didn't not come when you need help. Eventhough they are annoying. But they are your friends, without them. You life pretty much consist of nothing.
I love you guys, the Crew especially!
tahun lepas je aku Crew..tahun ini aku tak..
so, do you still love me afiq..?
friends are annoying at times.
sometimes, i rly cant stand them at all.
bt they're all i have other than my mom..
so i love them ;)
syai-once a crew always a crew
Sab- Yes they are. and you should love them.
I always love my friend even though some of them stab me.
and I still love them until today.
tak kesah la sape2 pon :)
ayat syai drama melayu betul! hahaha from guy to a guy. :DD
awhhh :') felt like a proud mother ;)
eh2, afiq.
aku kt US ni ko syg tak???
you and me,
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