At this moment everything entwines. Anger, sadness, happiness all twisted into something diabolical yet ravishing. yet hollow and empty. The more I dig, the more deformed my dream become.
I saw people with their smile, their life is full of vibrant colors. Full of energy and enthusiasm. I want that, I didn't even have a spark on my hollow soul. I have tried feeding it with music and such, but it only last a while to amuse this cold soul of mine. I wasn't living a life.
Just as I thought I was writing a new book, but I just realize. I was on the same page all this time.
Nothing more than a soliloquy of my distorted thoughts.
nice blog :)
maybe we don't realize but everything that happen, even if it's means nothing, it's actually important.
Thx, same yours.
Important? I guess so, but still doesn't feel like its important.
not now.. maybe..
probably couple years from now, you look back and realize, how much you've been missing out
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