Those who are near to me, often caught me daydreaming. But it isn't. I wasn't daydreaming. I may look like staring into blank space but actually my head was thinking and my mind observing. Although sometimes my mind does wander around places.
It is likely me to just sit and look at everything. Observing people, even by looking into their eyes, I can see how they feel at that moment. Stressed, bored, happy, sad. The things they're doing at that time fascinates me. It gave me a slight view of how their lives are.
It is quite intriguing how people were born in this world have different ways of seeing the world. Different perspective. And they are all vary. Even their lifestyle, their interests. That's what I like about the world. Just hope it lives for another ka-jillion years.
Anyways, I wonder how to know whether we are insane or not. A person with a screw loose might not know they're crazy. Sometimes you see them talk alone, maybe in their mind, they're talking to someone. Just like us, we talked to our friends. We see them right?
What if, we're the only one who see the person, talking to them. While others see us talking alone with ourselves. So how do we know that we're insane? Interesting isn't it. Or maybe insane people unable to control their mind. Maybe they're blacked out. Like in the sleep, only their body moves. Who knows.
perbualan kita semalam..it was a great conversation..
bukan sebarang perbualan. ;)
suatu penemuan bukan..? ;)
bukan sebarang penemuan... ;)
kompleksiti minda
Eeks, for a while I thought you were off from blogging. Nice change though :)
buddy, i've uploaded our photos..
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