I just watched Cyril Simply Magic and I was overawed by his talent. He is unlike any other magician. I mean, off course there are other magicians who's more radical than him like David Blane or Chris Angel who cheated death most of the time. But Cyril is different in a way, he's unique. I was simply amazed by how he see life. When I watch him performing his tricks I received two magic moments. One, is simply his Magic performance. Two, is the magic of life.
And I also would like to thank the videographer who shows deeply the expressions that those people have, it is very-very fascinating. And in his shows, he put some quote which really inspires me. He's the first magician whom I see break the boundaries between cultures unlike any other. Instead of seeing amazing tricks, I've also seen the colors of life that he shows at the same time. I'd never knew things could be so beautiful. I want to be like him, to be able to break boundaries. Congratulations Cyril Takayama, you're the first illusionist who had inspire me and showed me the true colors of life.
his insane dude...
memang dh sah pakai jin doe..
x kisahlah pakai apa, he showed me possibilities
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