I once open a conversation whether woman these days are cheap or not? Some of the woman disagree and some said both, man and woman. As a conclusion, most men these days are cheap. Or to be specific, lack of quality. I've read the news that the number of divorces are increasing each year, and now the numbers have arrived to tens of thousands. The thing is, just now I've read an article about divorces on the newspaper. What I've read doesn't seem very relevant at all.
" A wife is getting a divorce because her husband forgot to buy her a meal. "
I mean, god, what's up with that. It's silly and stupid. Obviously a lame excuse. And the news said it is common, around 300-500 cases have those lame excuses.
What is wrong with people these days. Such a disgrace.
kalo hsbnd dye xbli mkn, xleh masak sndri ke? & if u wanna get divorce over ridiculous reasons, then why get married on the first place?
exactly!stuju mcm no name di sini^
i think when u get married,things getting too sensitive for both of them,so bile je ade masalah cmtu jd,diorg mntk divorce.skrg people treat marry mcm couple.sng2 je nk mntk divorce mcm mntk clash.pfttt.
NoName- Husband dia TERlupa, accidental man... such people these days.
esya- Yup, pfttt.
dzmah- why the long face? lol
ko nyer blog dh jd cam tempat sosial comment...
tk mcm dlu dh
sebab, itu lah masalahnya sekarang..
yup, thats the current news rite now.
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