Most I've asked already decided what to do with their future. Some have already came with a backup plan. Some felt like there is no tomorrow. Some have chosen the road less travelled and some chose the road most people travelled. And some of us, still lost in the middle.
I did not do heavy research on what I want to be, it is confusing. I felt like I want to be apart of everything. Most people have done tons and tons of research for their future career. Some people just prefer to go with the flow.
Lately I've been imagining the scene when we take the results. Some say, It's holiday, no one's in the school except for us. We can laugh all we like, scream till our voice's gone, or maybe cry till our eyes swell. And in these moments where people can make the real decisions on what they can have, could have or couldn't possibly be.
Most people around me, I've seen change. Becoming more mature. I myself simply have a phobic of welcoming changes. But it's the course of nature. I am no one to interfere with it.
The point here is about making the 'Right' choice which lead you to the 'Right' way. I just don't want to do something that I will regret in the future.
Please, No More Regrets...
kite tk perfect,
kite akan sentiase menyesal dengan ape yg kite buat,
itu lumrah hidup,
bile kite menyesal, itu tanda kite sedar dan itu menunjukkan tanda kite ingat pada NYA...
ko dh bace blog aku en,
present sometimes more important than the future,
present first,
then the future follows...=D
i once read>>''you dont have to be brilliant,u just have to plan.''
n yeahh..we can always plan to getaway frm regrets.we can always plan,but some plan heading towards to regret.
yup, you're both right.
the present controls. But we need to look at the future to control the present.
A life with no regrets, I want that. I'll make it possible.
jangan mengharap pada bende yg hampir impossible, sbb yg mustahil tuh 1 in a million jer yg dpt...
adakah ko org tu??
sedangkan kite gunekan hari kiamat sebagai petanda kite..
tp pada masa skarang nih yg lbih penting,
99% tumpuan kite pada ibadah, amal dan taqwa...
1% jer kite lihat hari kiamat...
sbb hari itu rahsia NYA...
same ngan masa hadapan...
biarlah rahsia..
kite tumpu pada hidup kite bile kite bangun tidur nnt...
sbb kite tk boleh nk predict future 100% btul atau tidak...
ye betul, tapi tiada benda yang mustahil bukan.
And it wouldn't hurt to believe.
"tiada bende yg mustahil"
ade doe,
mustahil untuk kite tandingi kuasa NYA,
tu mustahil ape...
to believe doesn't hurt,
bile kite dpt tau yg kite tk kan dpt,
terase gak kadang2...= )
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