Until now, I'd never fully understand the term 'successful'. Is having a lot of money being 'successful'. Or is it achieving certain target makes you 'successful'. They're all differ. Whatever it is, that term is subjective, unable to define it thoroughly.
After the devastating blast, last thursday. People started to realize the impact. It was devastating to see the dreams of your friends crushed. Some decided to move on, sacrificing their plans, dreams and take the alternatives. And some whom I pity, gives up. It's not that amusing since your options are limited. You can only go with what you have. What a pity, some of us hope for the best and unready for the worst. Thus, such shock are carved on their faces.
It is rather humiliating as well, imagine you go on living with the same thing. And people will ask you what you got, and thats it. Your first impression on jobs and careers might perish like that, it just might.
For all reason I am one of them as well. I can see one of my dreams crushed into pieces, like a mirror that you throw from afar. Smash! Thats the sound of it.
But like I said before, it's not coincidence. You don't get that for no reason. There is a reason for everything that have happened, and for a reason everything happens. Who knows, your first plan might not make you happy at all, there goes another disappointment. This is an act of god, so you tried your best, even if you weren't. If the omnipotent want give you that, then HE will give it as it is. There's never been a coincidence, this is destiny, this is fate. This is all part of the plan.
This is your destiny, you might end up liking it more than you can imagine, and there you go and say, " I couldn't have it any other way ".
yes, i agree with u. everything happens for a reason. maybe, the path that we chose isn't the right path for us after all. that's why it turned out the other way round. mcm cikgu kate, redha jelaa dgn ape yg Allah bg..
Allah itu maha mengetahui..
dan DIA mengetahui apa yang terbaik untuk hambanya..
correct... and so we shall move on with what we have.
that's right..
we put effort now,
then let HIM do the planning for our future...hehehe
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