Sometimes I just love to just sit and doing nothing. Even at shopping malls with my friends or family. Just sit there and watch time pass by. Most people aren't like me, they're such in a hurry with their ordeals. But for me, I felt like there is always tomorrow when I do that. Just sit and breathe doing nothing spectacular. People said it is such a waste of time, but for me, I felt serene.
tenang?peace?i bet its very calming to stop n doing absolutely nothing.sbb kite x fikir ape2 time tu.
mcm patrick bwt,die ske stand n doing nothing,while spongebob hurrying doing his daily routine.haha.
ko dh biase doing nothing..
nnt bile ade banyak keje,
ko mesti rase tensen...
cam aku ah,
skang baru aku rase,
dok umah doing nothing dh makan diri aku...
klau dlu aku dh biase,
aku tk de rase tensen cam nih..
patrick even got a trophy for doing nothing. ;)
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