It's the first for me to be called by a principle (apart hundred times from Mr.Siva), frankly I was a bit nervous, it's about the so called 'Jiwang' case. Funny though some of the teacher's passed by and saw our silly affair. It was good fun, I mean a good reunion at the principle office. Hard to come by does it. Osyin told me that one day we will tell this story to our children when we are old. Miraculously time flies really fast. I remembered my childhood, when I was a little boy, then I came here when I was in standard six. I don't remember exactly how we used to looked, but I can remember our times that we had. Then it passed, I sat my foot on this beautiful school. I befriend with the principle back then. Like buddies. And I grow and live till today. We been trough so many things together. And this shall be our last year to collect our inevitable moments. As many as we could. So that one day this stories will remain in our head and our heart.
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