I wonder why ghosts differ between races, religion and country. Malaysia have it's famous Pontianak, the american have it's own similar vampire. The dracula. While Japan itself have it's own famous yokai's.

In other cases, our Canteen had been quarantined because of the owner unable to complete the criteria which means it is dirty. After all this years I had eaten there. Speaking of quarantine, the Hone None disease had really become a pandemic. So many learning institute had been closed. Some of the infected died. This is a god's judgement. Another sign of the apocalypse. Amy just went back home today, she is sick. Syukur and others were absent too. What bizarre things.

what ghost story? i wanna know...
hoho you were absent?
Why don't you ask people who live in semarak.
They know a lot, and I mean a lot..
nak baca post ni lastnight, tapi sbb time tu pukul 12 ++ baca sikit2 skip2.
pagi ni baru baca. haha! ada hantu kat semarak?? sape nampak?? rupa dia camner? terbang?
macam-2 lah ada
Where is semarak o?? u know u tell me la.. tell me in school.. ok? haha.. I'm serious..
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