" You will lost another one. "
Sadly I was wrong, she lost another two. Despite my pity, my words were not mere lies, the thing that stir up that feud really happened. I once knew you quite well, really well till I can predict your every move. When people say that one day we will lose a friend, off course we will feel offended. That offensive word is actually meant to hold your friendship stronger. When people say that, they become offended and try to strengthen their relationship more, support their backs in every angle. Unfortunately, as predicted. History have been repeated, repeated from the tragedy a couple of years ago.
I don't have anything to say. What goes around always comes around.

what goes around come around..
you won't have a real friends if you buy them with money and lies.
india? -___-
wahahaha! time kite pi india aku pun tktahu la :DD
humming to the song, aah thanks 'senior'!
If only she willing to change.. Perhaps she will more happier...
tqah- History repeats..
Dyrah- Best kan gi India. ;D
nblh- Senior??
Eunice- Wah, you're now actively blogging.
Haha... nothing to do ma... you also la...
"When people say that one day we will lose a friend, off course we will feel offended. That offensive word is actually meant to hold your friendship stronger."
yes, i really agree on that. well, for my opinion, friends also should help friends that needed help. that's what friends for right? well in this case, i never leave them. they are the one's who left me.
people do make mistakes. i believe that. as for me, they are my second chance on having a best friend. i fight for them. for example, bella's case last year. i never leave her, even though people are talking about her. i dont blame anyone. just to remind everyone. people nowadays, have to hear both sides. not one.
Well if all people agree on one side,
there must be a problem on the other side.
then why dont they just ask?
because your past history reflects what you are.
Without any doubt, they will choose the brighter side.
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