The feud exacerbated when Faten called them to the office. Maybe deanna attention's was to get her friends back or simply satisfaction or revenge. But whatever it is, things were damaged more. The rumor spread so quickly eventhough it is classified. Very quick in a mere minutes, the whole school was already informed. From the top elite classes to the substandard classes till the teachers ears. Recklessly this is serious news.
But like I said things had it's own consequences. Bella's alliance had increase tenfold.Even the teacher's get concluded in this.
I guess that is the final straw of their friendship, their relationship is at the point of no return.
owh well,so much drama,so little time.
I don't think parents should involve in this... It will just make things worse.. But to think of her side maybe she just couldn't take the pressure anymore.. But if to think the other side of her maybe she is taking revenge.. so.... better not guess as more rumors will spread.. Remain neutral...
yup, I'd never get my parents involved in my personal feud. Such desperate measures.
I will remain neutral as it is.
"and if you could let it be, you will see."
sound like the rumor do spread very quickly.
yes it does, just like the old times
actually, this is the story. my mum didnt come to school because of my problems with them. my mum only came to school just to ask this one question.
"is it true teacher hates me?" we called them because it came from their mouth. that's the real story. dont get me wrong. thank you.
Oh pardon, don't get me wrong.
You see I eavesdrop a lot of things lately, I post this just to summarize for you to know what happened around here.
people don't hate you if you didn't do something wrong.
You see life is all about first impressions, once you had done bad then people will see you bad no matter how good you became.
plus you have messed with a bull, and so you will get the horn.
"I know we must not judge a book by its cover, but who want's a torn up book."
good luck with ur life ;)
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