
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Why must people chase after things
that are impossible to reach?
Why must people continue to walk forward
while following a goal they can't see?

Even though it's right in front of your face,
there are things which you can't get a hold of.

I don't know the reason why however this probably a reward from god.


z said...

what is gaijin?

Enigma said...

it is a Japanese for stranger/foreigner
since I am a japanophile so as might as well use it...

first I intend to put 24/7 as my blog header but then again...

z said...

whoot whoot!

mcm kenal ayat kat atas tu. hehe ;)

*sbnrnye aku x reti wink. hahaha

z said...

ala yg dia tuuuu.

oh dia tu, i dont know about that. haihh

Enigma said...

Thanks to you I have my blog title and a header!

;) ;) ;) ;)





