Am I not cool? Yes I am not that good looking, not hot.
I will try to improve but never to become perfect.
The perfect being was it?
Everyone looks for perfection in this life.
There is no such thing as perfect in this world.
That may sound cliche, but it's the truth.
The average person admires perfection and seeks to obtain it.
But, what's the point of achieving perfection?
There is none. Nothing. Not a single thing.
I loathe perfection!
If something is perfect, then there is nothing left.
There is no room for imagination.
No place left for a person to gain additional knowledge or abilities.
Do you know what that means?
For humans such as ourselves, perfection only brings desppair.
It is our job to create things more wonderful than anything
before them, but never to obtain perfection.
everyone are talking bout you dude..
it was what you thinking..
you good in being 'you'..so keep at it..
you good in something,why dont just work hard on it...dont put a perfection up on the 1st of the list..just put do my best to achieve perfection,cause actually perfection never exist..the 'best' is the thing making it perfect..
you dont be thinking you're alone there..
i'll support you in school,in life and in everything..
what do think i am?
a plain friend for 5 years of nothing?
pfft..just say the magic word and i'll be there..
waahh romantic ye korg, ada magic word lagi!
beauty in in the eye of the beholder. perfection pun.
aku selalu rasa i am not good enough, i dont deserve this, i dont deserve that. but for some people, they love for what i am. they dont want me to change.
so do u! kita nak jdi org lain but ada org lain nak jadi kita.
humans never satisfied.
ah agree...
You don't have to be [erfect. Just be you :)
btw - nk join conference??
Sabtu mlm time msia.
join r jom :)
Ym ke?
nothing is perfect in ths world..
be urself. i mean, there's nothing wrong with urself..
"If you look in the mirror and don't like what you see,
you can find out first hand what it's like to be me."
nothing perfect...but some is the best...
I know you're the best of yourself...you know how to use words that will make people agreed and change...
you said you're not good-looking...nahhh...you're good looking man...(prove:you have admires, may be not a lot, but you have one...hahahah)
It is not the looks that harm
it's the heart
yeah...true story tough
what true story?
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