Have you seen one of these machines before?
Where you insert a token or a coin and controls the movement of the crane to get an item.
And you often fails.
well after observing it, I just realized that..
Even though it's right on front of you
there's something that you cant have
No mattter how much you strecth your hand out
there is something that you can never touch.
even though you can't obtain it,
is there a light at the end of the path
if you continue to search?
"Even if your wish didn't come true,
is there a small bit of happiness
waiting somewhere?"
woh.i cant agree more about this statement
i think so..
bt, i dunno la.. sometimes aku rse x.. ;p
off course if we work hard eventually maybe possibly probably you will get it
yes, couldnt agree more.
like spm, even how hard i try if it written tht i didnt meant to get 10as x boleh nak wat ape jugak.
but some dreams, i just have to say it. state wht do i want, wht i dont. but, i often left things unsaid.
bnyk choices sbnrnye, we dont know which one to pick.
that is why humans are given choice
ALLAH tk tanyer kite ape yg kite dpt mase kite hidup...10 A ker, 20 A ker...ALLAH tanyer ape yg ko buat kat bumi nih...ko berusaha tk untuk dpt 10 A...ALLAH tengok usaha kite jer...bukan nyer result kite, walaupon ko dpt 10 E pon...ALLAH tk kesah asalkan ko usaha untuk dpt 10 A...
kalau kite banyak berusaha untuk sesuatu walaupon kite tau bahawa kite tk kan dpt result yg bagos, benefit kite dpt gak...sekurang-kurang nyer usahalah daripada tk berusaha...
Lagi satu, kalau kite banyak berusaha, jarang lah org dpt result teruk dlm SPM atau PMR...kite dh usaha gile2 n blaja btul2...slalu nyer mesti dpt result bagus...= )
like in my previous post
'Hardwork is everything'
and Amir is right
god won't ask us how many A's we have
god will ask us what we do to get the A.
if you work hard even if you fail
you will be satisfied with your failure
because that is what hard work deserve
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