When I was young I didn't like Japan exactly, my cousins and sisters were always talking about that country there, even I used to say
"What so great about Japan anyway...?"
tak kenal maka tak cinta right?
First thing first an introduction...
A major economic power, Japan has the world's second largest economy bynominal GDP and the third largest in purchasing power parity. It is a member of the United Nations, G8, OECD and APEC, with the world's fifth largest defense budget. It is also the
world's fourth largest exporter and sixth largest importer. It is a developed country with high living standards , the longest life expectancy in the world (the healthiest people in the world and have the lowest percentage of death) and is a world leader in technology, machinery,
and robotics.
Japan also has the lowest percentage in crimes. Regardless it's superior, Japan brings the Greatest Influence to the world.

The most infIuencable thing is I like how Japanese people chases modernity while keeping their culture perfectly and brings new culture while their at it.
Malaysia on the other hand chases modernity but seems to lost their traditional culture and followed the westerns.
The Japanese is still 10 years ahead of us in technology but their culture remained unharmed
Japan is a home to the bizarre cultures which bought the most interest for me.
Like the Geisha, samurai and ninja's. Even these days the japanese still wearing
kimono's and yukata (japanese traditional outfit)
Malaysia nowadays are going hippies and hip-hops (hik hok) and now the latest trend is
I'm tired looking at people doing Shuffle at school, bus-stops, offices,toilets...
I admit that I used to do Shuffle too but looking back its not as good as it seems.
On the other hand the Japanese people like to be different and proud at
their own culture.
They didn't even speak english. Talk about culture shock.

Talk about modern fashion and traditional entwines, yeah I like their fashion style from the top of
their head to the bottom of their sole. Imagine putting a woman's hairstyle to guys. And it actually looked good...
Here I discuss modern fashion in Shibuya (Fashion city) even if you were dressed half naked
people will call you 'normal'.

From the automobile to the food.
Sushi's and stuff no need for me to explain

Student's in Japan cares a lot about their future some would go for suicide if their failed their
subjects ,exams,etc.
Talk about peer pressure... But us Malays
" Ala add math aku 18 markah je.."
"eleh baru lapan belas, nah tengok ni kosong tau.. ele.. boleh celen ke?"
Japanese people were raised to be humble and respectful.
Japanese people lives in one community
search the internet for more information. ;)

Currently I have been studying japanese folklore which is very interesting.
Us Malays have 'Pontianak' and such they have monsters of variety like the furugasa etc.
The japanese people excel in many industries from the gaming industries to the machinery which is great.
Crime Industry
After the death of Al-Capone peeps and gangs turned down the Mafia chart. But the Japanese
Yakuza is approximately 23% among the community. Cool tattoes man!
And talk about painful... :o

Japan have the most beautiful stunning mix of genetics

There is a lot more...
this post is a reply to a friend of mine
A friend of mine asked me...
why do you like it ?
I wonder if she reads it :0
and also who is curious to know...
Right now I'm living in a country where
it has the most balanced economy
, very peaceful and
everything is here! ;)
Right here in Malaysia! ;D
I've seen that hantu in doraemon before! leher dia panjang, wink smbil jelir lidah. hahaha
oh and i adore their hairstyle!
well,everyone can say other place is a nice place..
but most of my memories lives here too...in malaysia!!
go!!anak malaysia bonzer boleh!
dan dan..
u know the word verification under the place you wrote your comment the one with crazy words thing..
they give a stupid letter.."FuCKu"
stupid generator..~
adore what people have is good...but being the bad side of other people is bad...japanese have the bad and the good...so, choose the good one...don't be the yakuzza...you will suffer your entire life...and for girls...their 'fesyen' making our malay girl go to hell or making sins...so, see things wisely...hehehehe...=D
well actually our people are following the western side...
too bad isn't it ;(
awesome! aku ske part mind tuhh..
mmg mentality org kte cmtuh agknye.. haha! & i agree abt genetic tuh..
indonesia pon ade follow westren sket2...so, jangan ikut 100% endon...sbb ramai org kat malaysia nih dh start nk ikut style endon...pakaian lah...cara hidup lah...mcm lah...semua nk ikut endon...jage2 dowh...hahahha...=D
yang tak best nye bukan aku sorang..approximately more than 1 mil obsessing to this country..
otaku's, weeaboos, azn and such...
orang jepun kalau dapat kosong dah sah bunuh diri ..
Malaysian dpt 0 gelak-gelak lagi...
I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
cubalah skali-skala Malaysia ni buat style sendiri
wat can i about japan...
i like all their things include fashion n anime...
but i support ur opinion about having 0 in their test...
da people in malaysia dun take seriously about having 0 in their mark as they thought they can archieve everything in life...
but in japan,they always taking this subject seriously n they will suicide if dun reached da target dat they want...
i like their anime n sumtime i will make a cosplay at home 2 entertaint myself...
sum people or teenagers in malaysia always go clubbing or anyelse dat they could go 2 entertaint themself,juz like da western people...
their fashion always up-to-date n cool..
da people in malaysia juz copying wat da western people wearing n act like them(yakk) n sumtime also behaviour like them...
i more like da japan countries than malaysia but i luv malaysia 2.it's my birth place...
dis juz my thought about da differences in malaysia n japan...
p/s:i'm very sorry if there is sum people think dat i'm humiliating my countries.actually i'm not,but it is da facts dat we cannot change about malaysia...
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