sama dgn pretend ke?
yup...why Adzimah?
or maybe not...I pretend that i forgotI act like I forgot..saya buat-buat lupa..saya lakonkan yang saya lupa..hurmm...
depends on certain situation lah kot.
apa-apa pownbe happy!Why So serious?
fake smile should do it..and it works on body realize anything sad bout me...hahaha...they just see me happy...hahahaha...= )
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sama dgn pretend ke?
why Adzimah?
or maybe not...
I pretend that i forgot
I act like I forgot..
saya buat-buat lupa..
saya lakonkan yang saya lupa..
depends on certain situation lah kot.
apa-apa pown
be happy!
Why So serious?
fake smile should do it..and it works on body realize anything sad bout me...hahaha...they just see me happy...hahahaha...= )
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