Not just expressing, some people use Blog for online diaries, sharing their life their secrets. Some wrote poems and books not books literally... sort of story.
Some have things that should be shared. Well sharing is good for the heart. Well as for me, I like to share opinions and curiosity to know what people see in this world.
Like a tree, some just see it as a tree but some people manage to see out of the ordinary.
Ah one more thing. Blog can be an online counsellor, like sharing problems and such. Different people, different view, different answers, different thoughts...
Well today I will share a dialogue with my mother.
Sorry foreign language only ;)
MAK- Kamu tak ada girlfriend ke?
ME- takdelah.
MAK-Ye ke
ADIK- Mana boleh, semua orang ada. Umur macam Afiq takkan takde.
MAK- Ha tulah tak logik kan.
ME- Ntah.
MAK- Mama dulu popular, ramai orang suka, dulu masa tingkatan 3 cikgu bagi gambar.
Ramai pensyarah datang.
ME- Ha yelah.
MAK- Kenapa kamu tak suka, tak ada yang minat, tak ada yang cantik? Tak cukup sempurna?
ME- Hm.
MAK- Kawan kamu yang amik seni perempuan tak ada?
ME- Ada
MAK- Tak minat?
ME- Ntahlah..
MAK- Habis tu kamu minat lelaki.
ME-Tak lah.
MAK- Jangan jadi Gay sudah.
ME-Ish... taklah..
The main topic here is love right? Yeah I have a weird situation in love. No offense to gay people. Yeah I don't know when will I fall in love. The other thing here is the way I socialize.
As you can see... I will reply mostly with one sentences like Uhm, Ahah, okay, I see... just like that. And it will come to an awkward moment when everything become quiet.
The reason why today is about love is because I have just watched the korean movie
200 pounds of beauty. Good song korean Ave Maria!!
no one knows when they will fall in love.
uhuuu conversation yang sgt segan with parents.
gay also means happy. haha
well yes maybe u should start reply panjang2 cket. i mean 10 sen 1 sms kau just ckp "ok"
membazir tauuu. hahaa
aku pakai postpaid wahaha okay...
hurmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..........haaaaaa......mmmmmm..... yelah..
camner x membazirkan?
yea yea, so funny.
i found this somewhere
"sometimes u gotta be gay to be happy"
you have to be happy to be gay!
200 pounds of beauty. haaaa best cerita dia.
weight issues , sgt sensitip. hehh
"jgn jadi gay"
sometimes aku terover gay gak.
oh yeah. the conversation?
urgh. dah slalu ade n sometimes tak sng duduk:)
nanti kite chat!!!!
actually, the main reason here is afiq malumalu kambengg. :DD
no la ..die tak malu...afiq memang gay..haha..nk bukti??ni hah
"abg syafiq...dah siap add math?nk pinjam bole?"
"abg asslam ni slalu buat hal,msti kte semua yg kne,benci i!!"
"abg razi ni sikit2 tanye,nk private time bole tak?!"
"abg amir,jom balik same same.."
"abg faisal ni suke mencuri,cute pulak i tgk"
betul tak afiq?haha..
Malu? Aku rasa cool...(sebenarnya takde topic)
kalau aku gay dah lama dah fakir jadi mangsa..
(no offense)
woi Syafiq dah siap add math? pinjam.
Woi asslam kalau aku gagal SPM aku salahkan kau.
Kau jangan tanya aku sangat cuba tanya cikgu aku ni bukan nye betul pun.
Wei Amir, ko balik ngan sape hari ni.
Hei Faisal amik je kunci motor tu..
betul x Syafiq.. win win
same lah cam aku...mak bapak aku pon pernah tanyer...sampai die org ternampak aku gi wat poem love tuh baru mak bapak aku percaya yg aku nih bukan gay or anything...hahaha...mak bapak kau sebenarnyer plek tengok aku nih...sbb adek aku couple and clash banyak kali sampai kene marah...abg aku plak couple and clash banyak kali, tp senyap2, bile kantoi, paham2 jer aku nih laen...tuh yg mak bapak aku dok kene kan aku bile aku sebut pasal pompuan...hahaha...=D
I know how it feels...
I dont have a bf...for a long time.
and now my mum thinks im interested in girls.
Well, it might be a good idea...but not for me.
yeah I have the same thoughts too.
no komen..
jgn jd gay ye...
x leh bygkn la..
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