Remember when I said that Japan is 10 years advanced in technology?
I want a new cellphone, nowadays I am fond of folding phones.
My phone acting weird last time, now it's okay. I wonder why.
I don't know if it just me,
Sometimes I have a feeling that things have feelings... get it?
When you say you want a new phone, your old phone start to broke down (merajuk la kira)
Same goes for other stuff, like a car or a motorcycle. It start to broken down and acts weird.
One day I was listening to my I-pod ,I walked down to a store and looked at the new I-pod touch, and I was looking at it and try all the features, and when I asked the price, The music stops and the screen freeze.
So the moral value here is,
appreciate what you got and take care of your things.
Because they have feelings.
selama ni aku nak camera baru, tapi camera lama tu x penah pulak buat hal.
dia x bg aku tukar kot. haha
cikgu aku cakap kat depan kereta dia yang dia nak beli kereta baru, kereta tu buat hal.
cuba cakap kat kamera kau.
jangan lupa bagi makan.
oh tadi dia br buat hal, tiba2 hang. haha
btw, tchr sruh tukar link nama dia tu to gerberian. xnak identity diketahui! okie.
sama jugak macam korang nak makwe atau pakwe baru..
cuba kt depan makwe kau, kau ckp mcm ni..
"i nak awek baru lah.."
confirm 101% on the spot makwe kau buat hal..
kalau nasib x baik, kena woman special slap lah kau..
haha off course!
yg carik pasal ckp depan makwe tu apehell? sndri mau ingatlah brader.
tapi, secara logiknya. klu cark pasal ckp dpn mkwe sndri bukan die nak buat betul pun, ngade2 nak attention. hampeh
aku baru teringat..benda yg sama pun jadi kat kereta ayah aku hari tu..
sblum dia tukar kereta baru haritu, dia ckp la dia nak tukar kereta baru kn..
dlm beberapa hari lepas tu je, kereta yg lama tu kene langgar dgn kereta jiran depan rumah..
aku rasa mmg betul kereta ada perasaan..
penah tgk cerita Christine..?
aku rasa mcm tu la kereta oh..
ada nyawa dan perasaan..
kita tak tahu
tapi seeloknya bersyukurlah ngan apa yang kita ada.
sebab diorang boleh kecik hati.
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