
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Please don't fall in love with me...


Anonymous said...

someday...somebody will...but for now...may be there's no one...but in time...there will be one for sure...you just cannot run from the fact and the love...cause, love is all we need in this world...

Anonymous said...

but why not ehh??

Enigma said...

amir almost everyday I received sms,pms,e-mail and such
saying that they like me,love me..
the thing is...
Admirers.. I just don't love them
and I am afraid...


rejection is the one I hate the most...
you know how it feels like when you like somebody
and you put all your hopes in it and confess it...
but it is replied with rejection.
you know how your heart is so delicate and subtle
even one single touch could shatter it..

It can ruin a friendship badly..
I used to have a friend.. a close one
then she confess her love.
as usual rejection is the word that flew away..
and then we never talk...

so I let my love life in the hands of a love expert

z said...

u got a point there.

but, pms? pre-menstrual syndrome??
gila dasyat ;O

Atiqah Hasan said...

how can someone not fall in love with u?
lain la kalo ko buat sing board besau2 kate "don't fall in love with me"

afiq, if someone fall in love with you, it's not something that they can change.

Once she (or he) like someone, they can never change it. Except if She or he is a player. Itu la kehidupan :D

Sabrina SB said...

aku xphm.. why are you afraid?
& rejections, tu mcm some kind of life experience la.. bwtpe nk kesah psl rejection? at least ko dh try..
btw, btol ape amir kte; love is all we need in ths world..
*ceyy, cm bguz lak aku nihh*

Enigma said...

aku tak pernah minat kat sorang perempuan pown..
pelik kan..
aku tak pernah target perempuan nak mintak couple

syakilla tu pown
masa darjah enam tu dia yang mintak bukan aku..


it's not that I'm afraid of rejection
but I'm afraid of breaking heart..

and filzah is right

no matter how bad you act,
how ugly you are
how stupid or smart you are..

people will love you..
and you can't escape that

Enigma said...

oh by the way...

I love being single.
it's the best thing right now.

Zikri Zainal said...

i'm sorry
i'm zick
are you trying to tell someone?

Enigma said...

hey zick! I'm sure we have met and
yes I am trying to tell partly to someone
and partly to everyone.

Anonymous said...

if you're afraid of being heart broken by someone you love...how can you manage your life when something or someone you love disappear or broke your heart...

we must learn to accept things...preventing is good...but in this situation, redha or experience the sad things today is the best thing for tomorrow...

think again...

it don't have to be you to be heart broken...sometimes, others felt heart broken many times than you...but they can manage it well...the 'hurts' that you get when you've been heart broken can make you more passion bout life, make you more alert in your life and will make you more stronger and stronger each and every single day...

p/s:i tell you all this, cause I just experience it(a few months ago)...and i know how it feels to fall in love and I know how it feels to be heart broken by someone you truly love...face your problems is better than running away from your problems...

Enigma said...

well I didn't runaway to be exact
and I didn't afraid to be heartbroken
i am afraid if I broke someone else's heart
and I feel the pain as much as they do to..

you see amir
you don't understand the exact point

you see the world with my eyes.

love will only hold me back
jodoh kat tangan tuhan
bila ada jodoh adalah.
buat apa susah-2 cari

you see I agree in the term of

''Love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it eludes you.
However if you stand still it will come to you when you least expected it."


like a friend of mine said

Lebih baik jadi 'aku'
daripada jadi macam syai atau syafiq...

z said...

sudah2 la tu -_-"

Anonymous said...

tk per lah...aku rase itu yg ko nk en...it's your life and I have nothing to do with it...ok i understand...but your words sometimes has moral values in it...

and, it's up to you to see the world...only you know the best of yourself...and only GOD can change you...not me...= )

Enigma said...


Love is complicated that's all

Anonymous said...

yup...complicated as it can be...more complicated than add math...hahahaha...= )

z said...

jadi robot jelahh

Anonymous said...

klau jadi robot...nk buat add math senang...= )

NADIA said...

nak join!haha am i too late??
kahkahkah.. well afiq, kau x bleh ckp kat org "please dont fall in love" coz love tu mcm dtg naturaly tahu x. terima je la.if dia confess pun apa slahnya jd kwn? just tegu je la.its nt a big deal rite.

Sabrina SB said...

hahaha! i totally agree..
aku pon loveee being single..
especially at times like ths; spm i mean.. ;p
bt you hv to accept the fact tht 1day, you're going to fall in love afiq..

Enigma said...

I will fall in love one day
but not hopefully not this year ;)

Anonymous said...

which one do you prefer ;

being dumb or rejected ?

Enigma said...

well neither ;)