
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself
into some work you believe it with all your
heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find
happiness that you had thought could never be


Atiqah Hasan said...

you know what, sometimes I do.
Cam bosan giler.

Enigma said...

aku nyer hidup ni
kelabu je...

Sabrina SB said...

ouhh, izit?
kalo idup ko klabu je, pndai2 la kaler kn dye sndri afiq..

Enigma said...

the thing is I don't have any colors

z said...

how to color eh? hmmmm

emmm maybe kene bersosial lebih ckit, org kata have a life! do things that blh make u satisfy and can put a smile on your face and chase for things tht u want.

u lead your life. u choose.

*yeye ckp kat org. hahahaha ;)

Anonymous said...

dunia kite kelabu sbb diri kite sendiri gak...kite jer yg kene banyak berdoa and berusaha...baru boleh ade kaler in life...

Enigma said...

tu je jawapan die..