We had an amazing gathering last night, serving grilled chicken on the evening on top off some mashed potatoes, and Pepper Pastas. Surrounding the fire and chat it all out about the pasts while roasting dozens of marshmallows. Hearing silly jokes, seeing ridiculous stunts, and calling up names. We talked about our schooldays, the bittersweet moments we used to share. Trading tales and stories, and updating the latest news about themselves. It was a joyride on it's own.
Until we started to realize that it all went through so fast, reliving the olden days are almost impossible now, realizing that it's a fair game, we went through our days and it's time someone else's should have the same taste. Undeniably, we are moving forward without even realizing it.
And soon we aged through the days, imagine another reunion around 10 years to call. How do we look till then, how many children do we have or do we even get married.
But now, we only have to live the time we had and appreciate those little things we often take for granted. Life is a ride itself.
" Time is the coin of your life, it is the only coin you have,
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yes I'm fond of that now, thx 4 the link.
no problem!
though alots people are missing from the scene.it saddens that they never been missed.
Maybe, but not really true. We can't see or hear what portrayed inside the heart and mind.
Maybe not all of us but most of us misses the past and the people including those who are missing from the scene.
nothing but truth for the one who tell.but it lays as lies for others indeed.
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