Past week have been quite a rough ride. All the evil happened, emotions mixed up and the roller coaster ride that is never ending. Filling my mind with rambling questions, having headaches and I get angry all the time. Moodswings and PMS like moods are turning around and round. A whole rounded up feelings of despair and anxiety. The feel of sadness entwines and twisted and it bring horrid results. A gloomy day, and everything became lifeless, sunken. Reading ,playing games and all of it doesn't seem to satisfy this heart of mine. I have tried feeding this soul, but it seems to be more hungry, having this hunger for something I don't know of. It seems like past few days I've been searching and looking high and low for the puzzle pieces.
And just maybe, it wasn't all those emo probes, coaster moodswings. Or maybe these dull sensation or greyish pastel view. Maybe it's not about all those rants I used to ramble about. Maybe it's not outdoors that I'm longing. Maybe it's not about future problems. Maybe it's not about everything mentioned above. Maybe and just maybe...
Maybe I'm just lonely.
find back your best friends.
as they always know how,to cheer you up.
thou have alots now.
they just tin cans,which give you plenty when u with them and none without.
from friends it blooms.a one rare flower out of others.
which u will like and love.
and it all starts with friends.and the best one.
you can call me your friendly neighborhood spiderman.or black thongs batman.
in my heart you are my buddy.
i've been..forgotten..no?
Impressive. But still you're an anonymous figure.
I couldn't tell who you are.
Thank you by the way. Your words means a lot to me.
overdose i am.to miss you as a friend.
i cant believe.
for i once tot your are better by yourself and your life.
was still in confusion of everything.
when u lost.
read the quran.
when u alone.
wudu' and sujud to Allah.
close your eyes.and speak from your heart.
never god do something for the bad of its creation.unless the creation do bad to himself.
people will read what i wrote.
and they'll say im just overreacted .
but im down with that.
for whom they will never know.
Thank you for your words. I believe it is very deep and true.
You're an enigma yourself. A riddler with solving methods.
You have bound me with curiosity.
and it will bound for awhile more
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