I remember back in the time, where I was a little child, playing with sands and dirt, riding my bicycle everyday, crossing roads and put all the blame on the maid. Till my first love, on primary school. Learning and make empty promises. Stealing drinks and money from the vending machine. Playing those so called 'digi-vice' and those 'Tamiya' race cars.
Then I went up aboard high school, it was not much difference. This is where I can determine whether someone is worth trusting. There a bunch of drama in this period, bitterweet moments shared for five years. This is where people started to know themselves and making goals.
I remember when we about to leave that school, the last day. It was ... ... ... sad. We were literally attached to that place. The memories that we shared, the laughters the time we spent were irreplaceable.
Even at the National Service, friends there were a lot different. There we are forced to look or each others backs. We help each other out but everywhere, anywhere there is always room for backstabbers. Undeniably only for three months, and even we are trained rough by soldiers, we still cry at the end.
Until now, in my university days. I've grown so much. We are getting busier as we grow. And later on we will move on whether we like it or not. With marriage and jobs, there are slim chance to meet with your old friends. Soon you realize that new friends are different than the one you used to spent your days with. Make time for you loved ones, it's all you have, for the moment.
adzimah yuzri likes this post ;)
"its ok to stop if you wanna rest,
but never stop if you planning to give up."--a nice quote,made by whom?seems so hard to remember.
what a wonderful thing to describe,yet sometimes so awful to tell.
my memories,make me as who i am today.
denying myself from repeating the same mistake.
leaping forward,over the gap that made by me from the past.
but i remain still,bringing the good ones into my palms of sorrow.
so that i'll never fall as past teach how not too.
friends,they were with me..they were rebellious,just like me.
and now its in my head,lies as a memories.
i don't wish to turn back the time.no.
cause i planned to bring this memories with me,so that i would remember how is the past seems to me.
i will not fall,yet i will sometimes cry.a joyful still full of sorrow.
as i wish,to go through with friends,the love ones, and all in memories.
either its back in centuries,5 years past,18 years ago,yesterday,or future.
cause in the end...we all still meet again....
you live your life,answer your questions..but never let it break you down.
as you are a man.created with perfection.
life,never be the one to bring you meet your end.
nabila hamdan likes this post too! :) yeah but whatever it is, remember doood, 'when life gives you a lemon, try your best to make a lemonade out of it!' okay? :) aaah its great isnt it to learn as we grow. its true when it says that experience is the best teacher.
'when life gives you a durian, try your best to make a pengat out of it'
just nk kata, TU BAJU AKU! WAHAHA
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