I pause myself for a moment to think and see where I am, or what I am. As I grow up, I realize that fairytales and dreams are harder to believe, I've faced reality and it is full of disappointment. It has been years since my childhood. I see changes in everything nowadays.
Especially people around me, most of them are not the same person as they were before.
Even my sister, already showed drastic changes. As far as I know it, she never care how she looks before, she never wore make-up. Now, she is a different person, although that seems to bring up some good things like enhancing her self-esteem. But at the same time I can see ego is taking place.
I can also feel that some of my friends are changing, into better or for worst. Most of them went to college and turned into another person. Living with the title hedonisme, they're always in the pursuit for pleasure while some of them create an image just to blend in. Some of them turned into a new leaf and others simply stays in the same position as they were before.
Frankly speaking, it's not them to be blamed. I think I have grown old enough to understand that nothing last forever. When the time is ripe, time will change everything. Including myself.
But I'm not too fond of changes, it's better having the original because certain things were better before.
Eventhough I have this fear of changes but I know I'll have to face it eventually. Because changes are a part of reality and reality is where I lived in.
" Sometimes you just sit at home and remember the old times.
You laugh by yourself with a ridiculous smile.
Then you have that one tear run down your cheek cause
all of it changed. "
err about the make up i dont its entirely ego. its part of girls growing up. its natural. i dont think theres a girl in the world yg sekali pun x rasa 'oh what to wear?!' dont worry. let her learn her lesson, her away. she'll be fine.
her way*
I guess you're right. But still i'm afraid that she'll be like those slutty rich kid. That's all I'm sayin.
Slutty rich kid? Hehe, no. As long as she has a supportive environment. Like the catalyst! It can be good, or otherwise. Anyway, been thinking a lot about your childhood times this lately? Well you're not alone.
you know like D,
Well, maybe I'm just being paranoid.
Yeah, childhood is where fairytales live.
how no to go astray?.allah.rasul.simple,si?
tho,yet u saw alot girls/boys are breaking the habit.
supportive environment.and getting into the right social path too.
childhood yet are where these people with brain will spend their time enjoying things.yes?
fail in few subjects and laugh about it.sounds like u've been tru the same thing.no?
live your life to the fullest..not to the "fOOlest".we guide people in the best we can.and the rest?leave it to the Almighty.
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