
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I guess there's the truth behind every bad things lies good things as well. It is sad how one can suffer so much and be able to pull out a smile. It must have been heart aching to do such measures. It must be really harsh. Every tears represents a drop of agony. But in a way the things that you have experienced shapes you in one way. You are no longer afraid of fear. You inspire me somehow. How could a girl could be so strong. Physically and at heart. Like a plant, burning under the scorching sun, stay in the harshest rain but still blooming beautifully. I guess this is nature's course. I can too, be strong like you.


Anonymous said...

this person.. i mean this girl... she is the one included in you list.. the person you most cared for the most you want to protect... am i right..?

Enigma said...

uhh, don't know, maybe not.