" I can almost see it, That dream I'm dreaming but There's a voice inside my head saying, You'll never reach it."
Everyone have a dream, although some dreams are impossible, they still strive to obtain it. I guess it is human nature to go for the impossible. From the little to the biggest dream, there will be obstacles waiting. Not everyone was born rich, life is like a game and it isn't fair. But we can be like others with just a simple step. To be really successful and happy, all you have to do is move on.
" Every step I'm taking, every move I make feels lost with no direction, My faith is shaking."
Yeah I feel that sometimes, we feel that sometimes. In order to reach the destination we encounter junctions and dead ends. Sometimes we are on the high road, sometimes we have to go to those swirly old road. But whatever it is we must move on to reach that final destination.
"Got to keep my head held high."
We must and always expect the unexpected. There are difference between the gifted and the talented. We are talented and there is something that we are best at. But one thing for sure, we are best at being ourselves and nobody can be like you. We are dying to become someone else but there's someone dying to be us. Keep your will power high and Have faith in whatever it is that you are doing now.
" The struggles I'm facing, the chances I'm taking. Sometimes they knock me but No I'm not breaking."
The things we've experienced, the problems we face yesterday, today and tomorrow will shape us for the real world. To prepare us for the real thing. Those who have no problems will become vulnerable to every attack. The world ain't sunshine and rainbows. Life can hit you harder than a rock. There are times when it rains in our life and dark clouds overwhelm us with fear and insecurities but if we waited long enough. A bright blue sky will appear.
" I may not know it but these are the moments that I'm going to remember the most yeah."
The problems that we face, the experience that we acquaintance with, the moments that we share. Even as little as the sand, we will going to remember it. Take your time and obtain all the experience you can get. We have to appreciate what we have, spend it throughly before it is gone. Because we often realize the true value of things when it's gone.
" There's gonna be another mountain. I'm always going to want to make it move."
In life we are always on the search for shortcuts and high roads. We always pray to god to discard problems in life but why not ask god to give us strength to overcome it. Wouldn't that be better. Why don't we climb that mountain, wouldn't that be a heck of an experience?
" Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes you going to have to lose."
Losing isn't something we should be ashamed of. We have to lose before we could win. The prize of losing is by far a better value. It teaches you not to repeat the same mistakes. The losers always win in the end. Proud to lose.
"Ain't how fast I get there, ain't what waits on the other side
It's the climb."
It's not about how fast you can get to your destination but your journey to reach it. What happen when you reached your destination too quickly, what's next? Wouldn't that make you feel awkward and boring. Everybody is experiencing many valuable things than you, you're missing out.
" Keep on moving, keep climbing."

" Keep the faith, keep your Faith."
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