
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


" A moment like this, some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this some people search forever, some people wait a lifetime, for a moment like this."
-Kelly Clarkson-

Grab the camera and shoot as many as you like,
because what lies beyond the pixels are your stars.
They will bright and shine in your dreams.
And follows you in your road.
No matter if you lose it,
you still hold the piece in your heart.
No matter when they're gone,
they're still there and always be.


z said...

thinking of leaving everything behind. worst feeling ever. sighs.

z said...

she took your quiz and get 100%. pergh rasa tercabar aku.

Enigma said...

Obviously she cheats,
most of the answers are in my blog.
ada soalan yang orang x pernah tau pun
and ada yang aku salah tekan.


z said...

i'm still so awesome cause she cant read minds but I can. *tone belagak* muahahahahahahhahah!!


Enigma said...

duhh, everyone knows you're a superhero