" You know what, I have this feeling that I'm ready for SPM."
" Buat apa aku nak belajar, aku dah ready dah untuk SPM"
I need to find something to trigger inspiration, to trigger the motivation. Sometimes I get motivated by reason's that I'm not aware of.
Last week, I got a haircut at a Saloon, You know what's funny? I get this warm feeling, a feeling to move on. I felt very happy. Each hair falls kind of like falling burden. I felt free.
I need a purpose to live on, the motivation from the Yellow Mosque doesn't bring that much impact on me, and so it fades. I just need a purpose. Someplace, something, someone that will push me forward.
I've said to you few months ago...
but the reaction you gave me was opposing me...
but now I see you've started to think about it...
to find "Someplace, something, someone that will push me forward."
may be you've forgot about my advice back then...anyway, thank to god you've started to realize..= )
No, I've had all those things, but as usual I misplaced it. But don't worry I will find it like always.
If I oppose your advice it must be that your advice is unnesessary or useless.
may be...
but every advice is not useless..
even there's an advice that doesn't relate to you at all are not useless where you need it to tell other or you need it when something happen to you...then you will need that advice...
you never ride a motorbike....
but with god's will, suddenly you like to ride one...and you buy one...
then where did you try to find advice...
I know, you would not choose bike for transportation..this is just an example...
everything that is opposite to bad is not useless....
even the low IQ man is needed for construction site..they may be useless outside,figuratively useless...
but hey belong to something...
as for the useless advice, you might have an ego to tell yourself to think that my advice is useless, but I see that you never take care of minor thing that you cant see...
"everything start from minor, small, tiny, slow, soft to major, big, huge, fast, hard...it doesn't go the other way"
man is synonym to ego, but ego had nothing to do with it all along.
There will be a thing that you are wrong at...
so, listen more than talking things that can't convince people enough..
I have no right to say things to you, but if you don't need any of my help...just say it...
"there's no mankind can survive without another mankind"
what are you talking about? you don't seem to understand the situation.
you know what I'm thinking right now...
if there's 1 billion guy just like you...
this world might be in havoc and war...
if you can understand what I mean here...
you might think more than just talk talk talk...
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