" After all this time, I haven't seen your perfection"
Those sharp words stabs my heart. How a perfectionist, who expect everything to go as planned never show his perfection. I am a person who must have a system. Without a system I won't proceed. I need a well built plan before I start my work. But it seem I don't have any...
How could I move on if I don't have a path to walk through.
you can jump or fly above the empty path...
even you don't plan anything...just get through what is in front of you...finish what's in front of you first...then proceed to the next one...no need fully built plan to move on,right...
I don't want to fall
'afraid of falling will make you more expose to falling...'
like you've said to me...'mind over body'...just think that you can do it...then it might be as you have planned...
one of my friend said...if you put an effort into something...and GOD see what you're doing and how many effort you've made to get what you want...GOD will set a date when you will get it...the most painful part is to get to that date where you will get what you want or what you wish for...
it's not the matter of what I can't do or can.
it's the matter of not knowing my direction.
How can I put an effort to something I dont know of.
that's the problem why you are afraid of falling...
when you choose this, you afraid you will fall if you choose this but not that...
but then you want to choose that but you still afraid of falling...
so,what will you choose...falling with fear, or falling with pride and glory...
just like in your blog...
'What's wrong with falling down?
You can always stand up again.'
you can see right...how many times I fell down and I had told you the stories right...I fell down many times but I still want to find a way that can help me stand up again and keep on standing...
read this:
'find an environment to suit your needs just like a small plant in the forest'
if it works on you
It's not the matter if I fall or not
it is the matter of will I walk or not
let's see if you can beat the nega-me
like you always said to me...if you think 'NEGA'tively...you'll be one...in contrast, you'll be positive...
same like me...I'm starting to find the positive effect being alone for so damn long...you know what...honestly,I'm used to be lonely, and that's why I'm keep on running from people...example like zick came to MacD past few days...
I know I can't beat your NEGAtives ness...but it's up to you to choose...learn from the advice...or ignore the advice...you make your life to be like that...go ahead...but just don't involve anybody in your problem...you know why right...because you're the one who thinks negatively and don't want to overcome your problems yourself, even others are helping you by giving advice or anything...
like me...I am NEGA...but I will keep on finding the positive even it makes me stress and more tension than before...and one thing...
you know that it is hard to forget or to let go of someone who you really really care about and someone who you really really love,right...same goes to me...it's hard to forget and let 'her' go...
by not letting her go...it makes me more towards NEGA...so,just let her go and forget bout her is enough to restore my life completely...
if you still in NEGA state...sure go ahead...then you will know...who eats you alive...the NEGA or you eats the NEGA...
my problem is a tad different than from yours but
like I said repeatedly
it is not about being negative, it is about finding my true self.
yup...it's about the same...you want to find you true self...but you afraid of falling...then how you can find your true self if you keeps on afraid of falling...what do you call that...I call it negative thinking...if a positive thinker...they will find a way to find their true self and will be never afraid of falling...they will always think that falling is a positive thing...
so,am I right this time...?
still wrong
try again. ;)
ape nih --"
it's nothing
but what ever it is...I still think that your situation is in NEGA side...if you've been more positive...you will find the true you...
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