
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"When you’re little, night time is scary because there are monsters under the bed. When you get older the monsters are different. Self doubt, lonliness, regret. And though you may be older and wiser, you still find yourself scared of the dark."
And off course I couldn't agree more... 
When we were young, we were unexposed to the world. We didn't know what financial is, we didn't know the consequences of something. 
And today I am 17 years old. I can call myself young, because we were unexposed to the real world out there. Where people will kill because of greed. Our education  represents our health, the period for how long that we will survive. We are always fearless and happy today but have we think about the consequences of the future? How can we survive? 
Some were born ready and optimist, some just talk big and stupid.
Life is not as simple as it is... and off course on your way to your stardom you will encounter many choice.
And the point of choice is that we have to choose. The way we act  represents ourself.
A few of my friends said that you should be yourself, be who you are.
I can't agree 100% on that. What if our true self is ugly. Then we have chosen to act on it. People will always look for first impression, and on that first impression people can already predict who you are. It is good to follow others but not every time.
We will face problems 10 times what we have faced here. Unless we are prepared then it should be smooth sailing.
So,be prepared and Get ready for the ride of your life. Your 7 months represents your whole life.


z said...

aku slalu di igtkan spya jgn mudah pecaya org. JANGAN.

"bapak saya kata.." Haha

we'll be facing conflicts, dgn people around yg klu x jaga2 kita blh tepengaruh. susah.

iman kene kuat.

Enigma said...

" Adik kena Dengar cakap abah jangan percaya orang sangat."

" tak nak"

" kenapa pulak?"

"Abah kan orang, tak boleh percaya sangat."..

wua wuahaha

yes the world out there is horrid.
we should always believe in god and in ourselves.

As you can see at our school already,
words can change people
love can change people

anything can change people.

please be careful