It's a bit late, he stood in front of the gate waiting for the moment where he will depart to the common place where knowledge is attain. Then he arrived there, he walk straight to the front gate. It was crowded with green ambience. It is always his duty to guard the gate. One by one, came the rotten egg... slowly march across the street. Then it ended.
As soon as it have finished, he went upstairs to his daily sit. He tried hard to concentrate but disturbed by annoyance.

It is always like this daily, each time to focus then another one interfere. He felt a surge of hatred inside and he wonders dark things. Isolation...
Then these three girls walked into the room.
But before everything comes to places, an explosion of havoc occur.
And there he sat and thought that his life went astray. His mind frozen hearing her talking. What to do then just smile.
After seconds and after minutes passed, he could only nod to the rage. Stepping aside from all the problems. There he stopped and wonder again...
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