" Maybe I already have all the pieces,
but how do I put it together? "
I went for walk at the Sunway Pyramid, exciting isn't it? Well last time we went there we sat at a glass bench an observe human nature.
There is some in my opinion is not so good looking dude posing in front of a camera, and my oh my... He made faces (memang perasan hensem giler). We laugh looking at his face, no offense but please don't do that kind of face again. There are people passing by, we observe at their clothing well basically the chinese were fine with that Harajuku style with blonde and brown hair and such. But the Malay some were okay but some were horrid. I mean who screamed out
loud and wear a sweater with shirtless inside, it is awful showing your god damn nipples in public. It's okay if you had a sexy body but with all that flab, I mean there's kids out there...
It is a Malay virtue to copy and paste,
What's up with this Shuffle everywhere, I admit I shuffle once but it became boring since everyone doing it. Shuffle here Shuffle there, I mean it is a cool dance moves but don't over do it because it looked horrible especially those who can't dance.
And finally A Know it All Malaysian, I mean laugh out loud and walking everywhere with a smirk on their faces. Who do they think there are, snobbishly act like they own this place.
Okay done with 'typical' Malays.
As usual we always went to the Asian Avenue, you know the place that looks like a disco with those dance machines around. I went to Comic Paradise to buy Comics off course duhh...
Then my dad bought some Ps3 games, we ate sushi again for like 8 weeks in a row.
And there is this hobby shop or a party shop that sells crazy things. A female/male torso, masks, wigs, suits and other miscellaneous stuff. The mask that the drama 24 wears also been sold there.
There was this Martial Arts demonstration held at the centre hall. I only got to see the drum practice and it already fun to watch.↓

I have seen lot's of movies lately and thinking of changing my career.
Well I exaggerate a little bit there but it was all good fun!
i went to subang and jumpa gerai jambu. sebjik dkt dppn skolah tu.
i told my dad skrg mana2 jumpa gerai jambu nih. mcm trend
he said, tulah gaya org melayu meniaga. heheh
wht pieces?
mungkin cawangan yang sama kot!
kedai jambu tu kat seksyen 6 pown ada
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