Some people don't celebrate their birthdays,
like a friend of mine, 'the' family forgets 'the' birthday. Some don't have a chance to celebrate their birthdays with their families and such. Some even forgot their birthdays. Some don't care, and some celebrate their birthday in a war torn land or even upheld in a prison.
" I lend you my shoes if you want?"
" When all you got to keep is strong,
move along."
I am 17-years old and still have trouble choosing my career. I don't know what I really like. Walking down to malls 'observing' people. Some with broad smiles on their face, sticking their phone to their ear for hours and hours. They are successful people, and with successful career follows a successful life. But mostly I see chinese people, they are the one who is ruling the streets. I can't stand to that, I'm not racist but why can't we be like that?
" golongan yang bermata sepet seperti cina,jepun,korea, adalah orang yang rajin."
Regarding this, I have otakus and Japanophile following my blogs, so Let's savour a little nice things about Japan. In Japan they have Free Hug campaign which started from Juann Mann.
Some says it won't happen in Japan maybe because of busy people especially around tokyo but it did. This is a true documentary I found on youtube.
For those who care about why FREE HUGS on the sign board is written in English, not Japanese, they wanted to communicate with the original English-language words, and they are the message.
So if you go to Japan and you could get a free hug.
But I do notice, people are smiling whenever they are hugging, And that actually made my day.
I am happy.
am not asleep yet. heheh.
that cake looks very familiar.
is that banana choclate cake from secret recipe? cause if it is, the same cake for fahim's birthday tadi.
hehe sedapp enn? my mom's fav. klu bukan, still, sedap ennn? haha.
happy birthday to En. Marzuki! ;D
We are doppelganger!
Yes I am singing gwen stefani hollaback girl while buying this cake
" Let me hear you say it, eat bananas B A N A N A S"
dari dulu lagi aku suka!
korang ni :)
bez kn ayh ko..
dpt smbut birthday ngn family..
n tlong jgn ckp psl 'the' family forgot 'the' birthday..
aq tau sgt ko tjukn aq kn..
n aq da blacklist kn event tu dlm kmus idup aq..
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