
If only this is the place where I can say the truth,
without any prejudice I will say everything I feel.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Stop thinking about  yourself, wear other people's shoes for a change. We always think that we have the worst lives but we are selfish, we never look upon others. Try to wear other people's shoes for a change.
Narcissistic Buffoons...

No matter How NiCe You ArE,
ThEre Will Be At LeaST One PeoPle whO HaTes YoU.


Zikri Zainal said...

the one who probably hates you would be the one who is jealous of your success in life or maybe they just can't see us happy

Enigma said...

the moment people tell you that you can't do it,
it is the moment where you know you're better than them.